Paper Presentation
A. General Instructions:
1: It is mandatory for the presenters to get registered for the conference.
2: Be at the session room 15 minutes before the session starts.
3: A LCD projector and a Laptop will be available in all conference halls.
4: Speakers are not allowed to use their own laptop computer, avoiding unnecessary time breaks in between papers.
5: Bring your presentation on a Virus Scanned Pen Drive. The presentation should be submitted in MS PowerPoint format.
6: Participants are requested to bring their own laser pointers for the presentation.
A Registered Delegate only can apply under one of the following categories:
Group: 1 – Undergraduate Dental Students & Interns
Group: 2 – Post Graduate Dental Students
Group: 3 – Professionals (BDS, MDS/ Researchers)
Category of Paper Presentations:
Category 1: Original Research
Category 2: Case Series/ Case Reports
B. Guidelines for Paper Abstract Submission
1. Abstracts should be structured as Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion for scientific papers. The maximum word limit is 300 words. No tables, graphs, or images are allowed.
2. Abstracts should contain original material that has neither been published nor presented at another meeting.
3. Ensure that the abstract is complete in all aspects. Incomplete abstract submission example, where it is cited as, “results awaited”) will not be included in the conference proceedings.
4. The Scientific papers should be based on original work only. Review papers will not be accepted.
5. Submit your abstract at Freepaper
C. Guidelines for Paper Presentation
1. The duration of the paper will be 6 minutes followed by 1 minutes for discussion. Presenting author should strictly adhere to the time schedule.
2. All paper presentations are to be presented in a PowerPoint presentation in 2003 or higher versions in formats ppt/pptx.
3. The first slide will only contain the Title of the Presentation and the Registration Number .No name on Slides